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Use Clueless to manage Reverse DNS

I would like to be able to use Clueless to manage reverse DNS entries for my IP addresses

Dai Webb , 22.11.2010, 18:21
Response from the site administrator
aaisp, 23.11.2010
There are a couple of ways customers can manage reverse DNS:

1) If the reverse is to be on a domain that we already run DNS for, then you can add A+Reverse entries, which will automatically add the reverse record.

2) If we don't run DNS for the domain that you want to use, then we can add that domain to the control pages and you can then add 'Reverse' records.

3) We can manually add the relevant in-addr.arpa zone to your control page, and you can add records.

4) We can delegate to your own nameservers - this is set up under the Login part of the control pages.

However, are you suggesting something simple, such as a page which lists your IP addresses, and a box to type in the reverse entry?
Idea status: completed


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