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Add notes to boadband lines

Would be helpful to note relevant items like replacement routers, extension re-wiring etc.

Adam Piggott , 26.11.2010, 09:55
Idea status: completed


aaisp, 13.12.2010, 12:14
This feature has been added.
_aD, 28.06.2011, 10:51
I assume you're referring to the "Note for this line" at the top of the the editline page - I was more meaning the ability to append to the "Task/Note" list at the bottom, to help record and timestamp changes during troubleshooting, for example "router replaced" or "plugged into master socket" etc.
Salja, 24.12.2012, 07:49
Ho ho, who wuolda thunk it, right?
tkfwpln, 25.12.2012, 03:07
f6Y6sK rwvbjppsoxfm

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