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Add an extra password for use when talking to aa staff and placing orders by email / irc / chat etc

An extra, relatively weak password, so it's possibly easy for the user to quote, rather than a replacement for the strong ones. Needs to be with a Boolean flag to enable /disable, or just ignore zero-length passwords, to tell aa staff whether or not to require that the password be presented in communications if sales orders, change orders are given. This must be strictly optional because it will be a pain for many users and a nuisance to aa staff.

Failing the presence of the reqd password, should SMS and email the registered account holder with warning and details - that would be a nice extra.

CecilWard, 11.07.2017, 13:05
Idea status: under consideration


Steve Scott, 14.07.2017, 11:39
Seems to be a one time password which can be obtained through the control panel and is rotated after use is a more sensible solution.

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