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See prioritised ticket support in clueless..

In order to communicate (internal email or similar) with staff directly from Clueless, with levels of priority.

Accounts: Low/Medium/High
Sales: Low/Medium/High
Tech: Low/Medium/High

Just so it's all in one place, and hopefully responsible customers use the priorities correctly.

Miomio , 06.09.2011, 01:19
Response from the site administrator
aaisp, 21.04.2015
We'll be looking on improving the email ticketing system we have from a customer point of view over the coming months.
Idea status: in process


aaisp, 06.09.2011, 10:10
Thanks for the idea... internally our ticketing system is based on email from the customer point of view. Internally tickets are managed by email and a web interface to the tickets. We can set priorities internally. This could be expanded so that customers can submit support tickets via clueless or our website with priorities... We'll consider this.

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