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Share expertise and experiences from userbase and help document AAISP-land

AAISP's site could do with being expanded with more extensive documentation and more in the knowledgebase, more help, defining terms and more extensive howtos. Get your faithful users to help by pitching in.

AAISP's customers are a savvy lot. Combine this with the difficulties posed by IPv6 deployment in a world of unsatisfactory routers and the fact that AAISP offers technologies such as bonding ADSL which present challenges, then customer-to-customer knowledge transfer would help everyone.

Possible Solution:
AAISP could host a wiki and make it publicly visible or a mix of public+private.

Cecil Ward , 15.10.2010, 10:25
Response from the site administrator
aaisp, 15.10.2010
We have a wiki at http://wiki.aaisp.org.uk/ -we welcome customers to add content, AAISP staff will add content too, and will try to keep it well organised. If we feel it's useful and working well then we'll officially launch it.
Idea status: completed


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