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Reduce status page size

I need to look at the http://status.aaisp.net.uk page during an outage for obvious reasons. This seems to require an incredible amount of traffic that I pay for by the megabyte at quite an expensive rate. At the moment the main page itself is about 400K and the total download including images etc. is about 800K. This much every time I reload to see if the fault is now cleared, or at least to find the specific incident page if and when it appears. All for what could fit into 1K of text each time.

Please either cut down the status page or provide a cut-down version of it suitable for use from mobiles.

Robie Basak , 11.11.2010, 11:29
Response from the site administrator
aaisp, 15.11.2010
We'd like to better layout and organise the front page of the status page, as it can get cluttered and unclear which posts are important and current... Feel free to add comments on suggestions, but this will be looked in to.
Idea status: completed


aaisp, 25.11.2010, 14:50
Status page has now been updated.

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