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Move pins in clueless in time / edit times

I have often found that I have been very inaccurate when clicking on the CQM graphs in clueless.aa.net.uk to drop a pin on the graph because I have no mouse, I’m using an iPad, and so the time is inaccurate. It would be really nice if I could simply edit a pre-initialised time field as part of the pin text entry. So please consider adding a time-of-day field (in choice UTC or BST please - I work always in UTC only, can you get the browser’s time-of-day?) That way the time could be corrected/adjusted after clicking. At the moment I’m having to add correction times as part of the text as a note saying what the right time was the event happened.

CecilWard, 19.02.2020, 22:39
Idea status: under consideration


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