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Get rid of pre-pay/post-pay tariffs

... and replace it with a simpler pay-as-you-go tariff.

The current billing method using pre-pay and post-pay units at different rates is confusing. Add carry-over between months into the mix and it hurts my poor little brain. For people who frequently work from home, causing bandwidth usage to vary significantly from month to month, it gets worse still.

It would be far clearer if billing worked in the same way as a regular phone bill (or AA mobiles). Pay line rental up front, pay for usage in arrears. At the end of each month, I would get a bill that tells me how much I've used and how much I owe. No longer would I get towards the end of a month and think about curtailing my usage so I don't go over my pre-paid units, or spend time staring at my usage trying to work out whether my carry-over from the previous month is enough to cover this month's usage.

Rolling it all into one keeps it far simpler. If I don't use my connection for a month (ha!) then I'm only paying for the connection. If I use it heavily, I pay for that. People who use their connections roughly the same amount each month, pay roughly the same amount each month.

Gareth , 31.08.2011, 15:50
Response from the site administrator
aaisp, 21.04.2015
We have a new tariff - home::1, which is not unit based, but you pay for usage in advanced, http://aa.net.uk/broadband-home1.html - not quite what you're describing here though, but still may be of interest. We also have the Office::1 package.
Idea status: completed


lm, 03.12.2012, 01:18
home::1 has even larger granularity and the automatic cutoff/captive portal makes it totally inappropriate for many uses (yes, even for residential customers).

Could we have a simply pay-for-what-you-use tariff without penalty rates for "over usage", and without having to micromanage lines to avoid overpaying unnecessarily ? After all, you already offer that on SIMs.
Rob al, 19.04.2013, 21:01
I already suggested this - see http://ideas.aa.net.uk/?ia=25235

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