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Make the monthly Usage details page consistent.

Move the "excess usage from previous month" line in the monthly Usage Detail page from the "This month" section into the "Allowance calculation" section. Having last months over use included in this months total makes a nonsense of *This* months total.

Carried forward under use *is* displayed in the Allowance calculation section, meaning the page presents different totals depending on over/under use the previous month. With under use the "Units in the month" total is just "units in the month". With over use the "Units in the month" is inflated by the *previous* months over use. And the useful "Total allowance in this month" line is missing.

Dave , 01.10.2012, 11:52
Idea status: under consideration


William Turrell, 12.10.2012, 10:05
Yes, move "Plus excess usage from previous month" out of "Units so far this month" because it makes no sense being there - I want to quickly see how many units I've used in the current month, so I know roughly at what rate I'm consuming them, adding the last month's figures just gets in the way and I have to do another mental (or Google-based) calculation.

Also the text at the top could be changed from:
You have used 3.89 units so far this month, including 2.87 units from last month
You have used 1.02 units so far this month, plus 2.87 units carried over from last month.

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