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Easy access to Usage Summary page

95% of the time when I go to the admin site it's because I Want to check how much data allowance I've used and how much I've got left but the usage summary seems to be hard to find, requiring a click on a graph then finding the word Usage buried half way down a page of links, and then click on the top months details to get the summary.

Can we have a one line summary on the entry page, something like "1.4 units used so far this month" and clicking on that takes you direct to the detail page. And somewhere clear at the top :)

John Burton , 25.12.2012, 10:10
Response from the site administrator
aaisp, 03.05.2013
When you log in to clueless, you will see your lines listed, and one of the columns in the table is 'Rate' -the speed of the line - if you click that link you'll be taken to the usage page. We'll make it clearer though.
Idea status: completed


Chikhaztha, 03.05.2013, 05:54
This sounds rellay great and easy too. When I get a good price on chicken breasts, I throw them in the crockpot and cook them until they are ready to fall apart. Then I bag them up in one or two breast packages and freeze them. Then I can pull out what I need and my meat is already cooked, so then I thaw and throw my dinner together. This recipe will fit right into my frozen meat selections. Thanks for posting and sharing with Food on Friday.
aaisp, 03.05.2013, 07:55
Mmmm Chicken :-)
pejedohc, 04.05.2013, 17:39
XY3DM1 spozudwoyzsj
nzctkrb, 07.05.2013, 19:44
xM7oYi dpeifkqmcyqz

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